Gesloten tijdens kerstvakantie
Vanaf zaterdag 19 december 2020 tot maandag 4 januari 2021 zullen Drymer en Sinnerbikes gesloten zijn vanwege de feestdagen. Vanaf 4 januari 2021 staan wij in het nieuwe jaar weer volledig tot uw beschikking!
Team Drymer wenst u fijne feestdagen en een goed 2021!
Closed during the Christmas vacation
From Saturday the 19th of December 2020 till Monday the 4th of January 2021, Drymer and Sinnerbikes will be closed for vacation. From the 4th of January 2021 we will be completely at your service in the new-year!
Team Drymer wishes you a merry Christmas and a good start of 2021!
Due to the COVID-19 virus we have temporary closed our doors for external visitors.
Testdrives are possible, but only on appointment. We will work by the regulations of the Dutch authorities.
Our production will proceed till further action, and our office team is working from home as much as they can.
New orders still can be placed and will be processed in our factory.
You can still reach us by e-mail and telephone during office hours.
All the best wishes and health in this hard time!
Team Drymer – SinnerBikes
Drymer B.V. – Sinner Bikes
Klompenmaker 5
9502 EP Stadskanaal
T: +31 (0)59 9588023
F: +31 (0)59 9620662
E: /
Openingstijden showroom
Maandag: Op afspraak
Dinsdag: Op afspraak
Woensdag: Op afspraak
Donderdag: Op afspraak
Vrijdag: 10.00 uur – 16.00 uur
Zaterdag: Gesloten
Zondag: Gesloten